Current Course(s)

  • CSE 40567/60567: Computer Security [Spring 2025]
    Lectures: M/W 2:00pm -- 3:15pm (Fitz 356)
    Office Hours: W 3:30pm -- 4:45pm at 323B Cushing Hall

Former Courses

  • CSE 60745: Graph Learning: Techniques & Applications [Fall 2024]
    Lectures: M/W 2:00pm -- 3:15pm (Stinson Remick Hall 108)
    Office Hours: T 11:30am -- 12:30pm at 323B Cushing Hall

  • CSE 40567/60567: Computer Security [Spring 2024]
    Lectures: M/W 2:00pm -- 3:15pm (Fitz 356)
    Office Hours: W 3:30pm -- 5:00pm at 323B Cushing Hall

  • CSE 60745: Graph Learning: Techniques & Applications [Fall 2023]
    Lectures: M/W 2:00pm -- 3:15pm (Fitz 356)
    Office Hours: W 3:30pm -- 5:00pm at 323B Cushing Hall

  • CSE 40567/60567: Computer Security [Spring 2023]
    Lectures: M/W 2:00pm -- 3:15pm (DeBartolo Hall 120)
    Office Hours: W 3:30pm -- 5:00pm at 323B Cushing Hall

  • CSE 60745: Graph Learning: Techniques & Applications [Fall 2022]
    Lectures: M/W 2:00pm -- 3:15pm (DeBartolo Hall 208)
    Office Hours: W 3:30pm -- 5:00pm at 323B Cushing Hall

  • CSE 40567/60567: Computer Security [Spring 2022]
    Lectures: M/W 2:00pm -- 3:15pm (DeBartolo Hall 120)
    Office Hours: W 3:30pm -- 5:00pm in Zoom

  • CSDS 600: CyberAI: AI in Cybersecurity [Spring 2021]
    Lectures: W 3:20pm -- 5:50pm (Web/Distance Learning)
    Office Hours: W 6:30pm -- 8:30pm in Zoom

  • CSDS 435: Data Mining [Spring 2021]
    Lectures: T 4:00pm -- 6:30pm (Web/Distance Learning)
    Office Hours: T 7:00pm -- 9:00pm in Zoom

  • EECS 600: CyberAI: AI in Cybersecurity [Spring 2020]
    Lectures: R 5:30pm -- 8:00pm in White-324
    Office Hours: R 2:30pm -- 4:30pm in Olin-610

  • EECS 349/444: Computer Security [Fall 2019]
    Lectures: T/R 10:00am -- 11:15am in Bingham-103
    Office Hours: R 2:00pm -- 4:00pm in Olin-610

  • CYBE 467: Practicing Cybersecurity: Attacks and Countermeasures [Spring 2019]
    Lectures: T/R 3:30pm -- 4:45pm in MRB-E243
    Office Hours: Fridays 2:30pm -- 4:30pm, or by appointment, in AERB-255

  • CS 573: Advanced Data Mining [Fall 2018]
    Lectures: R 5:00pm -- 7:30pm in NRC-E127
    Office Hours: Fridays 2:30pm -- 4:30pm, or by appointment, in AERB-255

  • CS 493A: Practicing Cybersecurity: Attacks and Countermeasures [Spring 2018]
    Lectures: T/R 3:30pm -- 4:45pm in MRB-E243
    Office Hours: Fridays 2:30pm -- 4:30pm, or by appointment, in AERB-255

  • CS 591L: Cyber Security and Big Data Analytic [Fall 2017]
    Lectures: Thursdays 3:30pm -- 5:50pm in MRB-E105
    Office Hours: Fridays 2:30pm -- 4:30pm, or by appointment, in AERB-255

  • CS 573: Advanced Data Mining [Spring 2017]
    Lectures: Thursdays 5:00pm -- 7:20pm in ESB-E207
    Office Hours: T/R 5:00pm -- 6:00pm, or by appointment, in AERB-255

  • CS 591L: Cyber Security and Big Data Analytics [Fall 2016]
    Lectures: Thursdays 5:00pm -- 7:20pm in AERB-E135
    Office Hours: Fridays 2:30pm -- 4:30pm, or by appointment, in AERB-255

  • CS 573: Advanced Data Mining [Spring 2016]
    Lectures: T/R 3:30pm -- 4:45pm in ESB-E207
    Office Hours: T/R 5:00pm -- 6:00pm, or by appointment, in AERB-255

  • CS 591L: Cyber Security and Big Data Analytics [Fall 2015]
    Lectures: Thursdays 5:00pm -- 7:20pm in AERB-E135
    Office Hours: Fridays 2:30pm -- 4:30pm, or by appointment, in AERB-255

  • CS 573: Advanced Data Mining [Spring 2015]
    Lectures: T/R 3:30pm -- 4:45pm in ESB-E401
    Office Hours: T/R 5:00pm -- 6:00pm, or by appointment, in ESB-935

  • CS 591L: Cyber Security and Big Data Analytics [Fall 2014]
    Lectures: Thursdays 5:00pm -- 7:30pm in ESB-E207
    Office Hours: Fridays 2:30pm -- 4:30pm, or by appointment, in ESB-935

    This course introduced top emerging topics in cybersecurity and provided the scientific foundation to solve real world security problems; the course also explored the challenges and opportunities of big data, introduced typical big data analytic techniques and how to apply them, especially in the area of cybersecurity. I did enjoy spending the time together with the students in the class!

  • CS 426: Discrete Mathematics [Spring 2014]
    Lectures: M/W/F 9:00am -- 9:50am in ESB-E201
    Office Hours: Thursdays 2:30pm -- 4:30pm, or by appointment, in ESB-935

    In this course, the students would learn a particular set of mathematical facts and how to apply them. More importantly, upon successful completion of this course, the students would know how to think logically and mathematically. Thanks to the students in this class, it's truely fun working with them in Spring 2013 semester!